
Maternal Health Animation

Maryam is expectant; she feels weak and exhausted most of the time. Upon interrogation by the health officer (madam Leila), it is evident that it has been a while since she visited the hospital for checkups and she listens more to her mother-in-law who discourages her from taking supplements and eating protein foods. The health officer (Madam Leila) encourages Maryam to come to the hospital for a checkup. Maryam visits the hospital, and upon counselling, she changes her attitude and begins to take her supplements and balanced diet and encourages another fellow mother to do the same. The story ends well with madam Leila mobilizing a group of mothers for a counselling session on the benefits of taking supplements and eating a balanced diet before, during pregnancy and post-delivery.


Blood Donation


White Shuban - Cholera